Robby's Lobby
Blog • January, 2025 • INROCK Magazine
Hey hey In Rockers and welcome to The Lobby, and I’m glad to be meeting up with all of you once again here in the pages of The Mighty In Rock! …. Well, we have a new, well, old president back in office here in the US, Donald Trump won a 2nd term that’s starting in January of 2025. It was a very brutal and very, very long campaign with 2 different candidates running at different times against Mr Trump but in the end Kamala Harris was defeated and here we are. The country is very, very politically and ideally divided right now, so I hope this election being over brings some internal peace back to the US.
Ok, out of the world of p9litics and into the world of Goo Goo Dolls ….. we had a couple of cool shows this month, the first being at The Joe Torre foundations Safe at Home Gala at Gotham Hall in NYC. Joe Torre is a legendary baseball player, coach and manager that began this high dollar charity many years ago, my partner John became friends with him and has brought us into the fold over the years, having the them with us on our tours and partnering with them to raise money and awareness for an organization helping folks who have a tough time fitting in and getting by. It was a cool little acoustic show, the first since John had had surgery on his hand, meaning no John on guitar! It was a fun show and kind of challenging and exciting for us to play with some new configurations within the band; nothing I’d like to do do forever, but kind of fun!
We also did a show at the SEMA convention in Las Vegas, Nevada with our tour mates of last Summer OAR! Fun show outdoors at the worlds largest auto show and exhibition, tons of people, great weather and we had a a great time making music with the thousands of folks that showed up for the show! It was great seeing OAR again and we look forward to more shows in the future!
So…we just announced a HUGE US tour called The Summer Anthem tour with special guests Dashboard Confessional! Dozens of shows across North America starting in July…. and before that a tour of Australia in February… and before that, a tour of South Africa that begins this week ….. nuts …. OH! …. And we’ll have some new music for you all soon as well, out for the summer at the very latest!
Ok, that does it for me this month, enjoy the photos from the Joe Torre event and a quick one from my kid’s book fair at school this week! As the weather starts turning colder and the sky tends to be a bit more gray this time of year, remember to be thankful for the good things that happen every day and try to keep some sunshine in your life…see you next month here in the lobby.